shlomi S.
Where are you from?
Shlomi has severe autism. He is 48yrs old and lives at home with his parents in central Israel. Shlomi can hear but is unable to respond, speak do sign language or express himself through facial expressions. However, he can share his inner thoughts and feelings through art.
What does art mean to you?
Shlomi’s mother explains that he has been painting since he was 15 when the teachers in a school for autistic students put him in front of paint and paper. Shlomi tested his hand at weaving and ceramics, but it was ultimately painting that spoke to him. He seems to enjoy the play of color and conveying his understanding of his world through art. “For us, painting unlocked Shlomi’s thoughts and feelings. It is how he speaks to us.”
What else does art bring you?
Shlomi can easily get lost in his painting, focusing on it for hours until someone tells him to stop. He does not have the ability to direct his own actions and can’t do anything on his own. He needs someone to tell him exactly what to do except when he paints. What is your style In deep focus for 3hrs at a time, Shlomi mainly works in watercolor and pastel on paper sharing his vison of the world.